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Royal Canin Gravy Sterilised Cat With Vicious 85 Gr Canned

Product Code: 1133598
  • $2.14

Tags: Royal, Canin, Gravy, Sterilised, Cat, With, Vicious, 85, Gr, Canned

sauce canned cat neutered Royal Canin sterilised with 85 G

Neutered is for adult cats complete and balanced cat food that contains grains jelly.Jell-O flavor in harmony with cats will appreciate the unique flavor content of the particles.Urinary tract problems in cats neutered cat food formulas have been developed are often sterile as you get older.
Icerik:meat and animal derivatives,vegetable protein extracts,minerals ,vitamins, oils and fats, milk and dairy products, yeast,
Analiz:9% protein,% 2,1% -1,5 fat ash %fiber and 0,7 %82,5 humidity

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